
The summer is best known for its hot or sometimes its very hot weather. Most people will have their yearly holiday in this season, just because of the weather being great and school are being out. Of course it’s possible it can rain in this season. But mostly the weather is good enough for going on a vacation or do some great outdoor acivities with the family. Many schools are also closed for a while in this period, the so called and (hardly) needed Summer Holiday. When you’re going on a holiday, have lots of fun. Don’t forget to print some coloring pages to take with you.

For some kids it won’t be a holiday, because some must go to summer school for extra training. For the kids who won’t need that, there are summer camps organized or maybe they’ll have some summer jobs to earn some money. The kids who get bored during this holiday, can use some great coloring pages we have selected for them. With these coloring pages they can enjoy themselves all day long. Take your pencils outside and color in the coloring pages outside. That’s a great new outdoor activity to do in this great season, you don’t want to stay inside with the hot weather :). When it’s too hot, try to find a nice place in the shadow.

The summerseason is also known for its great sunsets. These can be really beautiful as you can see in the photo we’ve taken in this season and placed below. You can use this one as a summer wallpaper if you like. Soon we’ll try to offer more wallpapers from summertime.

Summer sunset

The big question about the summer season

The question is “when does summer start?” Well, I hope as soon as possible, but the real date is for as far I know June 21th. Unfortunately this hot season will also end, the last day of summer is around September 23. For me, this season may last forever. I guess most people will agree with me 🙂

This season is also known for the time you can have fun at the beach and swim in the sea, as you can see in the two coloring pages below. I guess something went wrong there, hopefully the octopus has released this swimmer. If you don’t like these swimming coloring pages, we offer more summerseason coloring pages with the sunflowers link below.

Summer Summerseason coloring pages

Summer coloring pages
Summer coloring pages